Thursday, July 9, 2015

Parade Day

This was my view Saturday morning on the deck with my "book" - - reading A Little Life.  The hardcover book is way to big and heavy to carry around.  
We went into Bristol to watch the parade from Emmet and Jo's house.  The place was decked out for the holiday.  Emmet is an artist so after the parade Earle asked him to show us his paintings.  I wish I could have taken a picture of them because they were amazing.
Bill was all ready to be entertained.
Halfway through the parade Bill asked why everything seemed to be about Mardi Gras.  Turns out the Bristol parade picks a theme every year.  As if the 4th of July isn't a good enough theme, they pile on with another.  So there were a few hints of red, white and blue but it was mostly wild colors and New Orleans style….with cows.
Bernie's supporters were out in full force and getting lots of love.

Bill and Earle were doing their spy thing.  They wanted to pose with this clown.  I hate clowns,
The shot of this parade watcher is for Christin.

Post parade drinks in Burlington.