Monday, July 27, 2015

Maine Event

What do lit fest planners do in the off months?  We attend literary shindigs, of course!
Sherri, Vicki and I spent Saturday at a fund raiser for the Maine Writers organization at the home of author Richard Ford in East Boothbay Maine.
Unfortunately, not many people were taking pictures…none in fact.  So I felt like I had to sneak mine in.  There were lots of authors there - some better known than others.  This is actually a picture of Vicki making a bee-line for Elizabeth Strout (who wrote Olive Kitteridge) in the sun glasses and white shirt.  We've been trying to get her to Newburyport for years so hopefully we charmed her enough this weekend to come.  
The whole party was just sort of a mixer except for the remarks and poems at 3:30.
The view from the party.

The view of the party.
The grounds were beautiful so after the remarks we wandered down to the water and went into Richard's boat house/writer's retreat.  How would you like to have your own private jetty and mini beach?   It would be hard to concentrate on writing on a summer day with this just outside the door.
Then again, this is a pretty cool little room to work in.
There may have been a lot of authors around but this was the face that got me the most excited!! Peabody's twin!!  Does this mean Richard and I are related?  

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