Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Welcome to my world, Bret

 Bret attending his first resume writing class.  I am his teacher.  His next lesson will be the mock interview, which is my favorite.  My favorite question to ask in an interview is "We just hired you and you arrive for orientation on your first day.  You are sitting anxiously awaiting the start of the day and in comes a fellow new hire.  It's the person you would LEAST want to work with again.  Who is it and what about them makes you miserable that you have to work with them?"
The reason I ask it is to see what type of person pushes their buttons, but the fun part is to hear what awful people there are out there.

Meanwhile, Jennie would watch period piece movies 24-7 if she could.
Here she is brushing her teeth while watching Becoming Jane.  We need to install a t.v. in the bathroom so she has no downtime for missing her stories....

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