Monday, May 28, 2012

Day One on No Sleep

Landed, dropped bags off at the b&b and fought the London bound traffic to Richmond for our first flat viewing.  We saw some good ones - but I can't post them because the pictures are on my cell phone and the phone has no service here in the UK despite a conversation I had with Verizon last week.  Everyone else at Heathrow was whipping out iPhones left and right, making calls, texting and basically taunting me with their abundance of service.

Our b&b room is called "open concept".  We found out that means we have to conceptualize a door on the bathroom.  You can see below the bathroom to the left and the end of the bed on the right...with nothing in between.
 After flat hunting we had tea....
 And later we had beer and dinner.  I am proud to say that I made it until 10:15 pm.  Ready for sleep!!!!

1 comment:

didi said...

clearly the iphone service is the universe telling you that you should stay in the US with us.