Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Putting a little muscle into it

I didn't leave the house today which doesn't make for a good blog unless you want me to start a new Sink Series.  So I decided to dig into the archives.  

This is the Muscle Man.  Yes, a man made entirely out of muscle shells!  This used to stand upright in a yard on my usual walking route near Joppa Flats.  Then, on the ONE DAY that I decided to bring my camera for a photo, it had blown over and the hand was broken.  Like it knew I was coming and made the ultimate sacrifice.  It's not as impressive lying down - in fact, if I recall correctly it used to be pushing a lawn mower.    Shortly after it fell over, the Muscle Man was removed from the yard.  Where is he now??  I wish he would come mow our lawn.


chi said...

you know who built that, right???

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, I must mention that I've still yet to see evidence Bill bought a FEENSTER'S UNION t-shirt.

I'm just sayin'...