Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

 We took Trudi out to lunch on Saturday to celebrate Mother's Day.  We went to P-- where the last time I was there with Di and Stacey the manager was all over gluten free Di and bringing her all sorts of freebies.  (I'm not saying the restaurant name in case they google themselves).  Anyway, Bill, Trudi and I are all glutenous and I thought it would be tacky to try to get free food on Trudi's mother's day lunch (I reserve that behavior for when I'm with my own mother) so we just enjoyed the standard menu.  But I did see Diane's 'boyfriend' as we were leaving.
Next stop - J's Furniture where a Sleep Technician worked his magic on Trudi.  Trudi has been sleeping on the same rock hard mattress for 30 years.  It must be like a trip to a prison camp every time Truid goes to bed. (Not to mention 30 years of dust mite accumulation.  I'd hate to see that thing under a microscope.)  Anyway, it was time to get a new mattress.  They actually have their sleep technicians wearing lab coats - what exactly are they protecting their clothes from in this lab??  He did ask her to lie on the tech bed in various poses while he graphed the indentations.  For all my mockery, he picked the perfect mattress on the first try.  She tested come others but came back to number one each time.  Delivery on Monday - success!
 Meanwhile, back at the homestead we are having plumbing issues.  We have 3 toilets and at this point NONE of them are working in peak condition.  One is completely broken, one only flushes from inside the tank and now the first floor is exhibiting what I call a "lackadaisical evacuation with a post flush gurgle".  Basically it's only good for pee without paper which is not going to cut it!  The other night I dreamt that I forgot we had 2 other toilets in the house - that's how obsessed I am with this situation. So on the way to Plum Island for late afternoon reading, I made Bill stop at the hardware store for supplies and as soon as we got home, I put him to work.
While he was plunging I finally realized why were having these problems - I bought one of those cleaning doo dads that clips to the under side of the toilet bowl.  Do you see it in the picture?  Neither do I.  These problems started immediately after Malikai went in to pee the other day.  I hope he had fun flushing that thing down.  There is no sign of it but at least the flush is becoming more vigorous after plunging.  We will need full toilet capacity when there are 5 extra people sleeping in this house on Memorial Day.  Otherwise, we will all be running across the street to Laura's to use her toilet.   I need to rent the wheelchair for Mom again this year so maybe I should get a Handy House while I'm at it!!

Jennie didn't want to add this, but I thought it was too good a picture to leave out.... she didn't mention that before toilet plunging we spent a couple of beautiful hours on Plum Island.


didi said...

Trudi better keep her hands off my P* boyfriend!

Mom said...

Are you saying I'm tacky? Also, please get ALL the toilets fixed before Memorial Day!