Saturday, May 19, 2012

Smoke 'em if you've got 'em

We went to visit Sumner today (Trudi's gentleman friend).  He's been feeling poorly but his health is improving and Bill says he still has a firm grip - not bad for 88.  We listened to Sumner's stories about the things he used to smoke when he was a kid - like pine needles wrapped in newspaper.  Bill is determined to try it. Sounds like a recipe for third degree facial burns if ever I heard one....
Post visit we went out to lunch at a local diner.  The poor waitresses were wearing giant poodle skirts and had to listen to 50's music all day (which I have nothing against but I'm sure if I had to listen to it all day long every day I would tire of it).  My meal was flavorless but Bill enjoyed his steak and eggs.   Later he smoked a cigar made of tobacco.  The pine needles will have to wait.

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