Thursday, April 26, 2012

TY damn CTWD

Today was Take Your Child to Work Day across America.  Back when the boys were the age that this program fits (8 to 11) I brought them into work.  I'm sure old people who worked with me may have been aggravated at having my two offspring running around the office, drinking gallons of free soda, eating bags of free popcorn and hogging the main conference room because they could watch Star Wars on the large theatre style movie projector.
Now that I'm one of those old people I try to be patient during this day.  It's work, baby.
There were 80 kids at my company today.  And they were great.  Tiring as hell, but great.  I find my own way to get through the day when I get a bit impatient.  One annoying kid I blasted in the chest extra aggressively with Silly String.  His eyes went real wide as I held his gaze and slowly and quietly moved onto my next victim.

And I passed the time by taking more pictures of me and the girls.  (See prior posts with a similar theme).
The day could really be made much better with alcohol.  I'm writing a note for the suggestion box right now.

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