Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Giving Credit

I just realized I never shared with our 5 followers what Bill did for our anniversary.   While he was away he called my favorite cheese shop and ordered a basket of goodies:  cheese and wine and tea...the perfect Jennie basket.    Unfortunately they don't deliver so Trudi had to drive over from Boxford to bring the basket 100 yards from the shop to our house.  Then when I came home I assumed that it was FROM Trudi so I called to thank her and she had to set me straight.  Anyway, well done, Bill!!  (We have a running joke that he has a "team of people" working on presents for me...this time it was true!)
The one problem with this whole episode was that it highlighted yet again that the cheese shop seems to know me when I'm there but can't seem to place me when I'm not.  This is not the first time Bill has gone in to surprised me with cheese and then he tells me that the person he talked to had no idea who I was.
"Did you talk to Jeremy???  He would definitely know me!!"  Bill doesn't know.
"Was it Sarah?  She may not know my favorites but she knows who I am..."  Again, he doesn't know who he talked to but 'redhead who likes cheese' didn't ring a bell. I'm thinking of wearing a name tag on my next visit.  Or asking them to keep my photo on file with a list of my favorite cheese (hello, Delice de Bourgonge!)

On a side note, my boss just found out about this blog - not that I was keeping it from her but somehow it just never came up.  So in case she is reading this tonight Hi Beth!  

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