Sunday, April 1, 2012

An Award Winning Sunday

Cindy and I went to the JFK Library today to see the Hemmingway and Winship awards presented to Teju Cole and Yannick Murphy respectively.  Then our old friend Andre did the keynote speech.  A group of students from Kirby were in the atrium singing a cappella.  It was free and literary - a very nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon while Bill recovered at home from his wild poker night.
This was the first time I'd ever been to the JFK Library which seems crazy considering I've lived around Boston my whole life.   And I can't even say I've seen the museum now since the event was in an auditorium and we did't have time to actually go to the exhibits.  Now I'm definitely interested in going back for a real exploration.  Bill isn't a big museum goer but I'm hoping to talk him into it.  

Meanwhile Diane moved back to Southie today!  I think it's a sign of adulthood when you hire movers rather than asking your over 40 friends to move your stuff.  Now that I think of it, Jeff helped moved us into this house with us so I guess we have to wait until we move again to find out if Bill and I are adults yet.

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