Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Say No to Gluten!

Our friend Diane is now not only gluten free but also allergic to dairy, chicken, pork, salmon, beef, and coffee.  She had to grill the waiter tonight about gluten free pasta and other dietary requirements.  Her special needs caught the attention of the manager, John.  John took a real shining to Di - bringing her gluten free fried mozzarella, gluten free beer, and a gluten free strawberry shortcake!!  We were feasting on a bounty that was not only gluten free, but cost free!!  Who knew gluten free could be so profitable?  Of course, we didn't have the heart to tell the guy that she couldn't eat dairy either so Stacey and I happily scarfed it all up (ok - so Diane did have a few bites!)

On a separate note, I too miss the daily dose of Fletch (see comments).  What about a guest post a la Joey?  

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