Monday, April 2, 2012

Two Cute Girls Puttin' on a Festival

Festival planning!! I'm on the verge of overwhelmed but trying to Keep Calm and Carry On as my poster tells me.  We had our committee meeting tonight and it eroded into tearful laughter when we tried to think of a way to get a photo op for the Boston paper.  They want something relating to our headlining children's author.  Something like one of us reading the books to school children.  The problem is that they don't want us to manufacture the news.   This is supposed to be something taking place anyway that the paper may or may not show up to.  And they need 48 hours notice.  Of course, the target audience for aforementioned author is middle schoolers - a group that can read for themselves so they don't usually have an adult come into a 7th grade classroom to read to them!  Ok, what if the picture was of them reading the book to themselves.  "Hello, Boston G-?  I believe that in 48 hours a group of 7th graders are going to read Diary of a W--y Kid to themselves...."

I don't have a photo for today so instead I dipped into the archives for a past festival photo.  Here's Vicki and I on Friday night saying our welcome shtick.  As Vicki would say, "We are just so damn cute!!"

PS I'm learning that when we reference real people and places - they google themselves and find out blog so I've written this in code.


Jen and Bill said...

nobody's cleaner than mildred fleener...

didi said...

i don't know if it's too late, or too far, but we LOVE having special stuff at the hospital and could definitely pull off a visiting author reading to kids, if that is helpful. and we can use our pr firm, regan communications, to help promote it if you want. just let me know.