Saturday, April 7, 2012

Guest Post #2

It's been a while since I made my first guest post, and Dad has told me that today's post is all on me. So here are some of the things I have been up to since the last time I posted. 

- With my Dad's present of $200 for fancy clothes that he left my friend Sam in charge of, I got a couple of nice shirts, including this wonderful sweater that I have worn a few times. None of these clothes match my usual style (sports shirt and basketball shorts), but I guess change is what college is all about. 

- I dominated my history of jazz class, finishing with a perfect 4.0 grade. After a couple months of learning about different musicians, my favorite is still easily Dizzy Gillespie with his incredibly puffed out cheeks. I also managed to pull out a 3.1 in my second calculus class. This semester I have the third and final calculus class that I will have to take, a computer programming class, and an online statistics class. Two weeks down, and so far so good. 

- I have gotten a lot healthier since my first semester. I always swore that I would never let the "Freshman Fifteen" happen to me... but it did. My first semester diet consisted of chicken fingers for lunch, pizza for dinner, at least a soda per day, and very little running or basketball to keep me in shape. Now I have turned that around to chicken caesar salads every day, only one soda a week, and running three miles every day. I have to work hard these last couple months to get my camp body on. And speaking of camp-

- I have secured my job as a camp counselor for next summer. This will be my third, and most likely last, summer at Camp Spindrift in Gloucester. I have loved every second of working there, and it will really stink when I have a summer that doesn't involve playing with four, five and six year olds every day. Every day I look forward to this summer that is coming up. It won't be long until I can get paid for doing stuff like this. (I'm the big kid in the orange shirt and black bandanna. I still can't figure out why they pay me to have this much fun. I love doing this around campus, and I get nothing for it.)

- I am pretty sure I have found a roommate for next year at UW. Jen couldn't be happier about me possibly rooming with Marco, since he is a gay guy from Rome, and Jen seems to really want me to end up being gay and marrying a man named Pedro. Marco is a really nice, down to earth dude, and now its just a matter of finding an apartment or deciding to live in the dorms. 

- I became a family disappointment by coming in dead last this year in Dad's office pool for march madness. I got no excuses for my pathetic performance. I guess after my school failed to even make the tournament, I lost all hope. Next year I will come back with a bang and take all of them down.

And that's about it. It has been a pretty successful freshman year for me, that is coming to an end pretty soon. I will be sure to do a surprise guest post if anything interesting happens soon!

- Joey "Il Dominatore" MacKay


Jen and Bill said...

post of the year......

chi said...

By far the best post ever on the Jen and Bill Experience! MORE JOEY PLEASE! What do you say Fletch?

didi said...

Yeah Joey! Love hearing from you.

Fletch said...

Truly the finest post of the year. Even your posts about what you eat for lunch are more interesting than 80% of the "content" posted by your pop. If it weren't for you and Jen keeping this blog alive, the thousands of loyal followers who anxiously hang on every word would be reduced to unspeakable boredom. I am tempted to send a Starbucks gift card as a token of my undying appreciation for your contributions. Keep up the good work!