Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Thomas Crown Entwistle Affair

It is impossible to follow up a Joey post so we waited a day to let the readers simmer down a bit.
We sold our dining room table and chairs to a woman who answered our first ever Craigslist ad.  The transaction went smoothly and she even gave a $50 more than we agreed upon.  (I am assuming it was because of the professional presentation I created below.)
I hesitated/dragged-my-feet using Craigslist because I don't like the rabble coming to my house.  I got lucky because our buyer was an engaged-to-be-married woman from Charlestown who came with her very lovely mother.  
(If this were a tv movie, the lovely mother would have  been casing our house and the next scene you see her in a black cap and black face paint repelling down the side of our house to steal our art work.  In the tv movie the art is irreplaceable up-and-comer artwork.  In real life they would have stolen my shit.  In actuality, if someone went out of their way to break into our house and steal my art, I'd be psyched.  
Jennifer, for my birthday stage an art theft, please.)


chi said...

(psst, Jen, remind me of this when October rolls around - Happy to make off with Bill's art!)

didi said...

the photos look like you were preparing for easter services on your lawn! bill, you could have an auction of your art with your friends, we all love your art!

Fletch said...

The pictures of your furniture on the grass remind me of where I grew up in rural Ohio. All you need is a few cars up on blocks in the front yard and some plastic lawn furniture and you'd be all set to relocate.