Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fanboy returns

Superfan Mike Fletcher returned to the blog tonight.  Mike had been on an indefinite suspension after his disparaging remarks about the blog.  Fletch's main argument was that he was just giving some constructive feedback to have more Joey and Trudie on the blog.   Mike sometimes gives feedback in too direct a manner.  We're working with him on it.

Meanwhile we had a work golf outing today in Arizona.  Fletch and I didn't get to golf in the same foursome.  I did, however, win two awards One was an honor, the other was an insult.
I have a new putter because I hit the longest putt of the day.  Then they announced the winner of the best dressed contest, it wasn't me.  But I WAS nominated for the worst dressed.  The conservative crowd did not like my hat and pink pant combo.

More meetings and more Fletch tomorrow.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .


Fletch said...

In fairness to Bill, I defended his honor by explaining that his pants weren't really pink, but actually "Newport Red". So now rather than just offending the poor people that had to witness those slacks (many are in therapy now), he managed to offend a whole class of preppy people. My somewhat rhetorical question would be when you have an HR issue with an HR person who can you call for help? In my case, I took Bill's phone and called Jen who talked me of the ledge and told me that Bill's sense of "fashion" wasn't contagious and that I would be OK. Once again, Jen saves the day!

Jennifer said...

It was a real treat when my phone rang - I assumed it was Bill because I heard the familiar notes of the Raiders of the Lost Ark theme song but then it turned out to be Fletch!! It's funny that Bill won worst dressed when I think the Nantucket Red pants and the white shirt is his tamest outfit. I guess this is like when Christopher Plummer won the Oscar - more of a Lifetime Achievement award than for the particular instance.

More Fletch!!

didi said...

You didn't like Christopher Plummer in Beginners? I thought it was a great movie and he was really, really good. I also love Bill's pink pants.