Sunday, September 25, 2011

Shut up and deal

Poker Night at Dave's went as predicted.  Host Dave stole our money.
He tried to downplay his experience, but compared to John and I, Dave is Phil Ivey (I had to Google "famous poker players").
Tony, meanwhile, tipped his hand on his poker experience with lines like "when I used to play poker with my Dad he'd smell his cards when he had a bad hand and yell to my Mom 'Honey, this hand smells like shit'".  Tony had all the lingo, stats and playing strategy down pat.  He came in second to Dave

Now that I've played my first Texas Hold 'Em I have picked up some of the slang.
Tilt: Playing recklessly and badly due to frustration from having lost.
I would say this described me after a couple of beers and many lost hands.

Tell: A clue, hint or mannerism that reveals the true strength of a player's hand.
Read: The art of identifying another player's tells and analyzing his play in order to determine his pocket cards.
I've learned that groaning when you get a bad card probably isn't being as subtle as you should.

Bust: Losing your entire table stack or your entire bank roll.
I became too familiar with this term.

Ultimately, it was a fun night and if you consider that Dave paid for the pizza I'd say I broke even.

1 comment:

Fletch said...

You forgot one more important poker term which is "fish" (also known as "sucker"). Pug Pearson (google him) once said "Look around and the table and see which guy you think is the fish. If you can't find him, it's probably you..."