Friday, September 30, 2011

New Orleans - Day 4

Hung out in the French Quarter again today.  We had a good day because Jen gave a dollar to the voodoo guy and wished it.  People are stupid ... we give money for this kind of crap, not because we believe it, but because we are sheep.  I'm going to put a bird feeder in my front lawn, call it the Newburyport Wish Maker and start chipping away at Joey's college expenses.

Saw a couple of acts at The Spotted Cat.  Both were excellent, although I'd rate the solo pianist ahead of this ensemble who played Djengo Reinhardt mostly because the woman here kept asking the five people in the audience why we were so quiet.  Easy answer, lady.  There is only five of us.
Great music anyway.

Jennie looking good watching the show.
Off to our last New Orleans dinner in a few minutes.  It's been an excellent vacation.

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