Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Joey "Toast" MacKay

One of our favorite You Tube videos is Kent "Toast" French doing his amazing hand clapping. When I looked up fastest hand clapping I was surprised to see that other charlatans claim to be the *new* fastest hand clappers but I could have sworn I heard the sound of clapping after the hands stopped moving. Plus I think Toast's video is the best in terms of instruction and entertainment.

Meanwhile, our Wednesday dinner conversations are getting a little more adventuresome each week. I like to think that we are giving Joey conversation starters for when he gets into the dorm. You know, like "Have you ever applied hemorrhoid cream on a stick to some one else from another room?" That's going to be a crowd pleaser.

PS Notice that I'm hunched over? My back hurts. Bill said I don't talk about it enough so I should be sure to add it to the blog so the whole world knows that I have back pain.


Jen and Bill said...

no one else has felt pain like jen is feeling pain right now.... my Mom who has had two surgeries on her back and basically has bone on bone grinding in her back at all times has not felt the pain jen is feeling with her "tweak" (I would have put "tweak" in tiny 5pt font if I knew how)

Jennifer said...
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