Thursday, September 29, 2011

New Orleans - Day 2

It's all about food.  We explored the French Quarter - - sort of like being in a public rest room for 10 square blocks.  Between the dirty streets, the Hustler clubs and the cheesy tourist shops I was glad we decided to stay uptown.  I did, of course, find a bookstore and Bill asked for a nontouristy lunch place.  That's how we found Coops (below) for some gumbo, rabbit jambalaya and southern fried chicken.
 We each had the tasting menu for dinner to try to get in more local fare.  Who knew turtle soup was so delicious?  Does Campbell's make this in a can?  The restaurant was full of paintings by local artists, various dolls and statues lined the ceiling and the owner took us under her wing, coming to the table with several pages of notes on places to go (one whole page devoted to book stores).

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