Monday, October 31, 2016


Sorry for the lack of posts last week.  I would offer a feeble excuse but Fabbie Lisa taught me to "never explain" so I'm just going to move on.
And I thought that you might forgive me if I overloaded you with cuteness in the form of Oona.
We usually say that all babies look like Winston Churchill.  It was certainly true of the first two grandkids.  But I actually think Oona looks more like Curly from the Three Stooges.  (I mean that in a very loving grandmotherly way!!)
This looks like Oona's already rockin' out.  Do you think she's listening to The Stones?  Pink Floyd?  I actually think these are just noise canceling to protect her delicate ears. 
Meanwhile, she looks a little craft here, doesn't she?  What sort of sinister plot is she dreaming up?
Laughing with Mom.  I know I'm biased but I think she is pretty adorable.

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