Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Books Books Books

I love Hay-on-Wye because it is the most bookish town in the world with two dozen or so bookshops all within walking distance.  Bill went to play golf while I was left to roam the town.  We've been here before and blogged about it…and no doubt, took all the same pictures!  But here they are again anyway.

The castle is defunct but now part of the bookish landscape.  
Here is the view from the top of the steps looking down at the open air bookstalls.
One of my favorites was the mystery bookshop called Murder and Mayhem.  I love the sign and the silhouettes painted on the wall.  
Down the street was a window full of Penguin editions.
A painted doorway.
One of my favorite rooms.
Another of my favorite rooms.

Can you see the writing on the wall?  "Buy a Book…at any time."
Even books in the alley ways.
This one was an honesty shop - take a book and leave your money in the box.
I didn't buy this book but the title certain caught my eye.  I'm not even sure what it means!  But I'm tempted to start calling my mom "Saucy Sue"!

1 comment:

didi said...

beautiful...saucy sue reminds me of weak sauce