Friday, October 14, 2016

From Hay to London

Our last breakfast in Hay.  I'm reading an old yellowed edition of Agatha Christie.
Seen on my walk - quite an enterprising young person although they need a lesson in pronouns.  I particularly like the line about if the dog might bite.  You'd think the Dog Walker might want to avoid those but him/she is still game for a walk as long as there is a muzzle involved.  I hope him/she got some business!!
Jams for sale  - take a jar, leave the money.  There is something about these honesty sales that restore my faith in humanity.
Ok - so we hit the road…and also hit some traffic.  And decided we needed to make a quick stop in Bath.
Our last stop - London!!  We settled into a new flat behind the Edgeware Road tube stop (not far from our old neighborhood).
Living room.
Bedroom with outdoor porch.
Friday night at the Vic with Jerry and Jules.  So happy to be back "home".

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