Friday, October 7, 2016


Everyone keeps asking us if we climbed Mount Snowdonia.  The answer is no.  Basically, I didn't even know there was a Mt Snowdonia or where it was in relation to where we were.  For all I know we DID climb Mt Snowdonia….but I'm pretty sure we didn't.  We drove and walked and admired views and enjoyed the area without feeling the urge to climb a mountain.  

After a day of not climbing the mountain we stopped at The Ugly House - a little cafe that also has a bee exhibit.
Bill really enjoyed the interactive bee hive.
This picture makes me belly laugh every time!!  
The cafe area was very cute.  With the door open several little birds tended to fly in and out.  Unfortunately one of the waitresses was terrified of birds!  She would run back to the kitchen and cower behind one of the beams if she saw one.  It was a bit strange - just shut the door if it's such a problem!  I actually enjoyed seeing them fly in looking for crumbs under our table.
One of the many views we stopped for….there are more pictures of this but these are the only pictures I had loaded and I wanted to get a post out today so this is it for now.  I'll work on more over the weekend.

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