Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Still Posting London - - Hockney at the Royal Academy of Arts

One morning in London before work Bill joined me for an outing and we managed to run into the Royal Academy for the Hockney exhibit.  
And for once we even had Travel Monkey with us!!
The entire exhibit was called 82 Portraits and 1 Still Life.  I'm sure you will pick up on the common theme.  

Some of these people are famous  (the gentleman in the pink pants above is Dame Edna…when he's not Dame Edna, that is) and a few of them were painted more than once.  But they were all sitting in the same chair with a blue and green block background.  The still life was a bowl of fruit on  a table I think.  We didn't seem to take a picture of it. Instead we ran around snapping our favorite portraits until an RA docent told us we couldn't take pictures (foiled again!!) and we had to put away our phones.
Hockney doesn't hold a candle to a Bill Original, though!!!  Check out the "Hockney" version of Simon.  Definitely my favorite of them all!

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