Friday, October 21, 2016

Happy Birthday Bill!!

While we were posting all our UK updates, it was Bill's birthday!!  We had the family over to celebrate.

Even though it was Bill's birthday, Oona was really the star of the show.
I'm introducing her to the world of selfies.  This is just one of many Oona and Gramma Jen selfies that will be taken over her lifetime.  

Meanwhile, Joey brought his evil twin Angry Jeffrey.    (Joey has been honing this character for a few years now…telling his small fry campers that Joey is sick so Jeffrey was covering.  Angry Jeffrey even has his own Instagram account)

What does a middle aged man who has everything want for his birthday?
Pressed shirts.
He asked us all to iron 1 shirt for him and he made a little competition out of it.  
I told Trudi to look miserable for the shot.
But she was actually quite pleased about it.  She loves to iron!  She obviously was the top ironer of the night and even took a bundle of shirts home with her to press for her favorite offspring.  
Meanwhile, Angry Joey wanted her to iron faster!!  Work harder old woman!!!
Bret struggled a bit but Gramma came to the rescue.    There are no pictures of me but I didn't try very hard -  better that Bill thinks I can't iron.  I am happy to let Trudi win this one and become Bill's new laundry service.  
And here is the birthday boy!!!  Only Bill would make family ironing fun.  We love you!! xox

1 comment:

didi said...

Angry Jeffrey looks so grown up in his suit and tie!