Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Sunday Roast

On Sunday we took the tube up to Hampstead and strolled around the church yard.

I liked this tombstone….I think if I ever wrote a book my heroine would be called Hetty Dangers.
This one is for DiDi…the gravestone of Richard Head.
Two strange men were following me….Bill and Jerry!
We were headed to The Holly bush for Sunday Roast.
Look at that Yorkshire pudding!!  I had the veggie option which was a veggie pie of some sort.  It was all delicious.
Ann-Maria joined us!
She posed with Travel Monkey.
While Bill and Jerry had a mock argument.   Jerry looks like the cat that ate the canary.
By the time we left we were stuffed - but happy!

I told Jules that looking away from the camera makes you look pensive.  This is us looking pensive.  I think Jules looks suspicious and I look mischievous.  
A happy Sunday afternoon.

1 comment:

didi said...

When I write a book my heroine is going to be named Holly Bush. Do you notice that Richard's siblings erected the stone in his memory? Think they used that word on purpose?