Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Super Sad True Night in Harvard Square

Today was so raw and rainy that I convinced myself that I was going to go home and get into pj's right from work but at the last minute I talked myself into going to see Gary Sheyngart (author of Super Sad True Love Story) in Harvard Square.
I can't say that I loved the book but he was very entertaining and his reading had a flair to it that made me appreciate the material more than I did from hearing in my own head.
I capped the night off with a slice of Pinocchio's pizza - quintessential Harvard Square fare. (This was part of the bargaining I did to motivate myself..."Come on, Jen, you can buy a book and even get Pinocchio's for dinner if you go!!" For the record, I bought Master and Commander - the first in the Patrick O'Brian series. )
And, yes, it's still raining!!!

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