Sunday, May 29, 2011

The GodMother bursts into town.

Mother Entwistle rolled into Newburyport bringing with her a girl-band of family members.
The four generations of females rocked our little city and left it shaking in fear, but strangely asking for more.
Our Matriarch, hobbled by a bum knee, is no less intimidating in a wheel chair.
Children ran from her wake in fear, adults respectfully never made eye contact.

Meanwhile, back at home, Lili produced the single greatest piece of music Jen has ever heard (it may have been "Turkey in the straw"). Jen sports her new birthday monkey hat and Bill holds the new scary monkey (unnamed to date) also given to Jen by Mother. (They unveiling of this monkey was not unlike the horse head scene in The Godfather; same shock of horror)

Lili was forced to have fun. Laura brought over lovely cookies but slipped this poo on the plate as a joke.

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