Monday, May 9, 2011

Girls night in Arlington

Tonight was an exciting night for Arlington. Christine is in town and Stacey went out and had her first post-Nate-al (get it?) glass of wine. In fact, I was ordered to have the glass of red waiting on the table for her so she could start drinking as she lowered her butt into the booth. Timing the wine in between feedings is key, I guess.

It was great to see Christine after almost 2 years. As you can see - none of us are aging. We all look as fabulous as we did in our 20's. (Granted, I'm not in this photo but this is the fantasy I tell myself so let's just go with it.) For those of you interested in Christine - she is still seeing Fletcher, she is enjoying her job (which was bought by another large medical device company but I've already forgotten the name), she travels to Europe for business and has a vacation in Spain on the horizon. Seems like just yesterday she was moving in to her Belmont apartment with Mike and her couch was stuck in the front door. Christine is one of those people that everyone says "Oh, Christine is so nice!" I used to be jealous about that but I've come to realize it's more fun being someone that no one says that about.


Unknown said...

It should be noted that the "Fletcher" referred to in this post is not "me". I am only an occasional guest blogger, fan of Jen/Joey, and professional tormentor of Bill. Any other reference to persons alive or dead is purely coincidental.

Jennifer said...

Who would have thought we would have multiple "Fletchers" in the blog?? Christine, if you are ever in the market for a new Fletcher, let me know - I can introduce you to Bill's.