Sunday, May 8, 2011

He'd hate the American Mothers Political Party, too

Mom and Sumner popped over for a Mom's day visit. We enjoy when Sumner ventures out and joins us.
He's a hoot. I like to get him going about politics which isn't hard to do. He won't be happy until everyone associated with local, state and federal government raises their collective hands and admits to the world that they suck. He hates them all, Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party-ans, Whigs, Dixiecrats; you come up with one, Sumner hates them equally. He recently sent me an article in the mail deriding something the government did; I don't even remember the topic and it doesn't matter. I retaliated by sending him 10 pages worth of articles on why it's great to be an American. He got a kick out of it and now he says he owes me a rebuttal.
In addition to the banter being fun I like the idea of mailing things - old school. In a time when our grandkids will grow up rarely using email because it is too slow; not instant enough; it's nice to slow down the world and let our U.S. post office casually hand carry our barbs back and forth to each other.
Sorry Mom for getting Sumner going on a rant. I should have given you a break on Mom's day. I just couldn't resist.
Love you Mom. Love you Mom E, too.

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