Friday, May 20, 2011

Laura's best meal of 2011

Laura and I went out to dinner at Enzo tonight. She deemed it the best meal she has had since July 2010. She even indulged in dessert (Lemon Posset (rhymes with faucet)).

I had a linguini that was covered in hen of the woods mushrooms (delicious!) That lead me to describe childhood meals where we were not allowed to leave the table until all the mushrooms were eaten. We ate our meals in silence because we all read books (my mother had a novel and Andy and I devoured Archie comics....until we went to college...and beyond. I love my Archies!!!) When the boys were little I would sometimes declare that we were having an "Entwistle Meal" which meant everyone could get a book and read at the table. It makes me wonder what childhood "oddity" the kids will incorporate into their lives when they get older.

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