Tuesday, May 24, 2011

For our pretend 1st date Jen needed sangria

The geeks were out in full force tonight for China Mieville, author of The City & The City who turned out to be British and tatted and funny and fairly hot. His latest book seems a little too sci fi for my taste but he was funny and used profanity so it was a good night. Especially because I had a date waiting for me after.
Bill and I hit the roof deck at Daedelus for dinner and drinks. We sat next to a couple on a first date which made us wonder what we would talk about if we were on a first date. At one point the woman's phone rang and she didn't hear it - we assumed it was the bail out call. You know, a friend calling so you could pretend your grandmother was sick or your brother was just abducted by aliens and you have to get home right away. She was a fool not to take it. Petey makes all my bail out calls.
I had my first sangria of the season.
We ended the night at the Harvard Book Store to get our parking validated (which means we had to buy something!) and while we were there I spotted festival author Stephen McCauley. I didn't get to meet him at my own festival so I introduced myself and had a chat. You know how I like to chat up the authors....

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