Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Friday Night with Barb

Zoe's mom was in town last weekend so we had them over and grilled for the first time this season.  I say we but I mean Bill…Bill did everything.  He prepped the food, he brought us cheese and crackers, he cleaned up later…while Barb, Zoe and I just sat on the couch and talked.
Wyatte was in Salem for a performance so we only had Malikai with us.  To entertain him I let him strangle me.

But before I say any more I just realized that there is something in the photo that we have yet to discuss.  And this is why the captions come FIRST…

I've been meaning to do a post about the new fireplace so I guess now this is it.  
It's the beautiful tiled masterpiece behind the gramma-cide taking place below.
In this last picture he was actually choking me and I had to wave my arms to make it stop.  Look at the evil look on his face!!! If I'm ever found strangled you'll know who to call.
But isn't the fireplace gorgeous???  I'll post more detailed pics of it on a slow blog day.

1 comment:

didi said...

I do love the mantle, perfect colors!