Wednesday, April 6, 2016

When Jen and Bill Weren't in Rome

Jen and Bill have a special treat for our readers…Follower Jessica has agreed to tell us about her recent whirlwind adventure in Rome!  We hope you enjoy hearing about someone else for a change.

It all began with a simple question followed by a short directive from The Russian:
“Would you want to go to Italy for a weekend in March?  See below.”  While initially stunned by this proposal, I was equally ecstatic.  Go to Italy for a weekend?  Yes Please!
So off we went with Dima’s over 30 Soccer team “GPS”.  I find it interesting how kids teams are all categorized as “Under” some age-  U-10, U-8, etc., but then the old man teams are all “Over” some age – Over 30, Over 40…  Anywho. 
We flew out on St. Patrick’s Day or as the Finnish side of my family might call it, the day after St. Urho’s Day and arrived in Rome on Friday afternoon.  There was no time to waste as we were leaving at the crack of dawn on Monday.  Many a friend told us we were nuts to take such a short trip considering the long flight but you know, when you have 2 little kids – any adult time is welcome – even in airports and on airplanes.
Quick bone I need to pick with The Jen and Bill Experience captioning method.  It took me years to stop reading the wrong captions – BECAUSE CAPTIONS GO BELOW A PHOTO – NOT ABOVE!!!  In fact, I may have only agreed to this guest blogging in an attempt to bring down their erroneous captioning and to finally right the wrong!!!  (Insert evil laugh) – Who’s with me among the 10 readers?!

Here we are in the Munich airport, happy to be on the journey– but this stops applying on the last leg of the trip in the 4 or 5 different customs lines to get back into my country of birth and residence.

View of the Alps from our flight between Munich and Rome

While our hotel was nothing special to look at from the outside, hence no pictures, it was ideally located in the midst of all the old stuff one wants to see when in Rome so we were able to walk everywhere and that is just what we did soon after arriving.  I would highly recommend our hotel for the interior, staff and location for anyone traveling to Rome (Hotel 47) but onto the sites.  Old beautiful stuff everywhere you turn as evidenced below…

 Ok so these cars and mopeds are not old or beautiful but those buildings behind me are cool.
 Palatino and Areo di Tito

Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II
We actually had some company while taking this walk.  We ran into the couple who was sitting in front of us on the plane from Munich to Rome.  We never spoke to them on the plane but immediately recognized each other on a random street in the very large city of Rome. It turns out the wife is half Russian, half Ukrainian, just like Dima and just like us, they were getting away from their children for the weekend.  I don’t think that sounds the way I had intended, but who cares? So we spent an hour walking with them and chatting about whatever.  She is a filmmaker and they live in Munich, but she travels to Ukraine quite a bit so we discussed the tragedy of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.  The husband was celebrating his 40th birthday the next day - hence their get-away.  They were lovely and interesting walking companions and then we said our goodbyes. 

Colosseo – check

This Arch – check (Arco di Costantino)

 Circus Maximus - check

I have yet to mention that I was an exchange student in Rome as a junior in high school.  My Latin class hosted a group of students in my sophomore year and then I stayed with the same student, Silvia Picardi, for 3 weeks in Rome during my junior year.  The Picardi’s were the best host family anyone could ask for and nothing has changed in 24 years!  Franco and Andrea picked us up at the airport with Andrea’s 5 yr old son Gabrielle.  Andrea was a 13 yr old boy the last time I saw him and was very much the annoying little brother I never had.  They graciously took us to our hotel and picked us up that evening for dinner and more walking around the city.

Silvia and me next to the Tiber River 
There was a food truck plaza which reminded me of Portland OR but better because they can have liquor trucks in Rome and there was music!  But we opted for a great little pizza place down the street that also served adult beverages.
Fantastic, local and very popular pizza place - Andrea and Dima

Franco, Gabri, and Silvia and a very serious waiter lurking in the background

 I feel the same way!
 Santa Maria in Trastevere
 The Picardi's

 Fun in Trastevere neighborhood
Ponte Fabricio leading to Isola
Then it was off to bed.  When one plays for an "over" team - you need some rest.  Big football day ahead...


didi said...

LOVE the post! Gorgeous photos. 100% agree on the captions. Why aren't I jetting to Europe for a weekend. And Jessica, are those Toms you are wearing? Are the comfy?

Jen and Bill said...

Bill commenting .... this post sets the bar very high for Jen and I.
And I'm still absorbing the feedback about having the captions below the picture. Very controversial. For a 'guest' blogger, Jessica is very opinionated.

Team Strunkin said...

OK - clearly it is 3 on a lovely Friday in April and I'm catching up on blogs!
Hi Didi! Those are Toms and they are the most comfortable thing you will ever put on your feet - even better than slippers! Order .5 size smaller than usual as they stretch a bit.
Bill, just deal with my opinions. :)

didi said...

Clearly Team Strunkin does not know how much pleasure it give me to author all 5 comments in the right hand margin. But more importantly, do Tom's have good arch support (I'm so old!)