Friday, April 15, 2016

Back by popular demand

No Blue Apron tonight.  Did that stop Jen from putting on a dancing clinic?
Hell NO!
My regret is that I didn't take out the camera until after Jen's inconceivable robot dance to Styx 'Mr. Roboto'.  (of course)


'Sweep the leg, Johnny'
Possibly my favorite.  It's too hard to choose.
(I'm talking about the picture below.  Jessica has messed us all up.)

Jen is available for bat mitvahs and children's parties.

(Seriously though, when Jen broke out the robot dance I wanted to call Laura over to witness the renewing of our wedding vows.  I loved her as much at that moment as any other.)

1 comment:

Team Strunkin said...

At first I thought you meant I had messed up your choice making abilities or your dancing style but then I thought - they've never seen me dance or they would know better, better moves that is! Now I get it - you're just fighting what's right - captions go below pictures!!!!