Monday, April 25, 2016

Once in Full Moon

The Atwood Gang went on a field trip…just a few 100 feet down the road to The Actor's Studio in the Tannery to see the Full Moon Story Slam!

I didn't know that in between the planned 5 minute stories they also asked for audience members to come up and tell 1 minute stories.  The theme was vices.  Since I have no vices I didn't have any stories to tell.  It would have been the same if the theme was Flaws - nope, don't have any :-)
We went out for drinks after the show and Laura told us a great chocolate story that would have been perfect but I guess she didn't want to get on stage.
The judges sat off to the side…Andre's wife Fontaine and Paul from the bookstore were part of the panel.  We in the audience got to judge as well.
At intermission we went out and look who was pouring herself a glass of merlot….Miss Vicki of festival fame!  She arrived too late to get a seat in the theater but was sitting just outside the door where she could still see and hear the stories.  She and Dixie are both from Memphis so they were instant friends.    Vicki told Dixie where she lived adding, "The doors always unlocked so you can come in any time if you need to pee or want to take a nap…."  That's southern hospitality for you - stop by and take a nap!
The judges and the audience picked the same winner - - a man whose vice was being a workaholic until he had a stroke.  It was a good story but also seemed like an obvious choice.  Second prize was the guy on the right end whose father was an overeater so one night he ate and drank everything before his father could get to it.  It was pretty funny.  Definitely a great night out in the 'Port.

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