Thursday, November 10, 2011

Week Day Morning

When I work from home I always go to the front door and wave good bye to Bill as he heads off to the office.  I like to pretend that I'm a trophy wife staying at home to watch soaps and do yoga while he brings home the bacon. (mmm...bacon....)  In reality, I've already logged on and taken 2 calls with my boss before he even hits the road.  

 This picture would probably be more quaint if it didn't have the dumpster behind it!  I didn't even notice it until I was about to post this.  It's been there long enough to become part of the landscape.  I desperately want to throw some of out own junk into it, (strategically buried under the neighbor's scraps) but Bill thinks that is bad form.  He only seems to break the law when it suits him - ask him where we got our hostas.  

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