Friday, November 18, 2011

A colonoscopy down memory lane

Dinner with Noelle last night.  Many tears were shed in laughter as we reminisced about some forgotten gems:
  • The time I caught my tea bag on my finger and accidentally flung it across the room leaving machine gun tracks of tea across Noelle and her living room.
  • The time I had some sort of movie passes...they were in my hands as we drove to the theater and then - they weren't!!  20 minutes of searching finally revealed them down the back of the jacket I was wearing.  (How did they get there???) 
  • The time that I was walking down a 10 foot wide hallway, completely empty except for Noelle at her desk and one potted plant which I somehow walked into.
  • We didn't even bring up the time that Noelle was writing a love email to Tim when her boss Sesha walked by and distracted her - so she sent it to Sesha!

I'm not sure what got me started on the topic but we ended the night with a recap of my colonoscopy a few years ago. I knew I was in for a rough time when I saw the doctor in googles and head to toe plastic sheeting like he was going to sit in the front row of Blue Man Group.
Never a dull moment with Jen and Noelle!

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