Sunday, November 27, 2011

Do you even own a collared shirt, Joey?

 This is what Jennie and I look like at 3:30am.  We had to bring Joey to the airport so he can return to school.  It's been an emotional week with my trip to GA for Bret's graduation ceremony and then seeing Joey for the first time in a  couple of months.
Joey made the most of his four days here, making time for friends and family.  All of us wanted more Joey time.

Jen always has a pose ready.  Even at 5:00am.

I went against my usual stance against going out in public wearing sweats.  I've watched too many "What not to wear" shows and believe that you should always have put some thought into your outfit.
It was too early to contemplate an outfit, although I have to admit, once I got to the airport I regretted looking like a bum.  The wearing of the sweat suit is either done by the people in the lower socioeconomic bracket or in the extreme upper bracket.  The poor have few fashion options and rich want to rub it in that they can look like slobs but can buy and sell us.
The third group who constantly wear sweatsuits is my son.  He does not take after his father with regards to fashion.

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