Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bring back the sink series

Jen forgot to take a picture and took the camera so you're stuck with another picture of me outside in front of the fire pit.  I'm catching up with Brenda.
Jen and I realize that it's a good thing that we don't charge for this blog.  It's been shit lately.


Fletch said...

Not to say that duplicate pictures of Bill smoking a cigar aren't Pulitzer Prize winning material, but...

I believe I can speak for your thousands of loyal readers when I say that some new material might be in order. Since you seem to be creatively challenged at the moment, I will feel free to suggest some topics:
1) Guest posts from Joey or about Joey
2) Any humorous stories from either of your jobs with the names and facts removed to protect the guilty.
3) A "top 10 list" series. The topics can be anything that makes fun of Bill while simultaneously painting Jen in a favorable light. There should be plenty of material there.
4) Guest posts from either grandmother.

OK, that should be enough to save us from "the sink series" or more pictures of Bill's lunch.

Jennifer said...

I love the idea of guest posts from Trudi and Susan! Trudi doesn't have a computer but maybe she can dictate her thoughts to me. Susan has no such excuse...what do you say, Mummy? Save us from the sink series!

Of course, we could always have a Fletch guest post too.

Fortunately we have Joey home next week, Bret's graduation from boot camp and the holidays on the horizon - all good fodder for posts. And definitely some end of year top 10 lists.