Monday, November 7, 2011

Alert Fletch - Joey is in this post....

,,,on the phone.  
Big night for the off spring - Bill got a letter from Bret and spent a long time on the phone with Joey.  Meanwhile, I took a spin into Harvard Square after work for a little shopping.  It was supposed to be for an author event (Joan Didion) but I literally couldn't find the end of the line to get in because it was so long.   Did I want to spend my night in a hard church pew squeezed in with a thousand other people straining to hear her read from her latest book OR would I rather indulge a little retail relaxation at Anthropology?  Two new sweater dresses later I had my answer.

1 comment:

Fletch said...

Thank you for thinking of me. It's kind of a multi level thing. The best would be actually hearing from Joey, followed by hearing about Joey, followed by virtually anything else, and in last place would be a photo of something Bill was eating and or wearing. I'm just saying...