Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Let the holidays begin!

We had a nice night with Mom decorating our house for Christmas.  Maybe it's because I turned 50 this year but I made sure I appreciated the fact that Mom was over our house this year for the tree decorating.  It's been a while... 15 years maybe?

Meanwhile, Jen and I crushed any sentiment brought on by the moment by making jokes about my Mom being easy when she was young (she wasn't ... opposite, actually ... which was why it was even more fun)   She played along, which is always amusing to see sweet Trudie talking crude.  Ultimately I think the thing that Jen and I do well together is bring nice people down to our level. It's not a classic talent, not one that you can live off of.   If we were the types to have headstones when we die (we're not), it would probably say something like "Here lies Jen and Bill.  They brought out the worst in everyone."

And to emphasize the point later in the evening (after Mother was gone), Jen released a symphony of gloriously creative cuss words when our vacuum cleaner (The F*^&%ing Kirby) kept pooping out in the middle of the vacuuming.

1 comment:

didi said...

Merry Christmas Trudie!!!