Dinner out with the girls in rockin' Belmont (and actually, it was surprisingly busy at 8:30 on a Tuesday night!)
We had a series of small plates. We referred to this (below) as our "Balls Course" - various types of balls of meat. We really had no idea what we ordered since we said we would have one of everything on the small plate menu.

And now we have Bill's contribution to the blog from his business trip to Chicago. Clearly Bill got a job with Nasa when I wasn't looking. Or he is dressed for community service cleaning up trash on the side of the highway? Are they test marketing a new type of fanny pack for the neck? Was he faking a car accident a la Brady Bunch donning the trickster neck brace? (Watch out for Mike's briefcase!!)
Dear Diary,
Today is indeed the most exciting day of my life. I got to be in the blog (although I had to share billing with a plate of food) AND I got to talk to Jen. Sorry birth of my children and my wedding day, you've been displaced.
Why were some dishes 2 balls, and some 3?
An excellent question!! When there were only two, the balls were bigger.
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