Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Fletcher Fan Club

Atwood Street is the home office of the Mike Fletcher Fan Club. Only women can join. Tonight we added two new members to the ranks - Trudi and Lauren. Here they are proudly displaying their Mike Fletcher Name Badge.

President Jen shows them how its done!

Please note that I am wearing the same dress as last night but last night I only threw it on over my pjs for the photo. As president of the Mike Fletcher Fan Club I feel I must make it clear that I follow a strict wardrobe rotation process, never wearing the same thing 2 days in a row.


Anonymous said...

From the Desk of Mike Fletcher,
Dear fan club (Boston Chapter):
It is so exciting for me to triple the size of my adoring public (Mom, you've got company now). It is also exciting to know that membership is restricted to the ladies. As I can tell from the photo, only smoking hot chicks need apply (sorry Bill, you're out of luck).

I've now been mentioned three times in the blog. This puts me on par with such earth shaking items as pictures of what Bill is having for lunch and the number of times he has appeared in pictures wearing a teletubbies hat. I'm confident with the establishment of my latest beachhead in the Northeast that I can get at least one more mention and be or par with pictures of Bill's otherwise hideous and tragic footwear choices.
Thank you hot chicks of the MFFC. You are "all that and a bag of chips".

Anonymous said...

I actually DID notice the dress!