Wednesday, July 13, 2011

None of us are looking our best....

Mark Reinhardt is in town. Many blog followers will remember Mark as my work friend whose wife was the one they all wanted to join bookclub. His son Tyler was stung by a bee at a football picnic.

Mark and I have a long Rational relationship. Our travels to Canada have become folklore in the Toronto area spawning such catch phrases as "American or Canadian?", " tastes like Sol", "I'll have the quiche" and "Has anyone seen Sarah?" Seriously, Torontoians burst into hysterics every time someone asks "Do you need a table?"...yup we started that!!

Unfortunately I remembered that I needed a blog shot in the parking lot and the end result was a little more slipshod than I generally like, resulting in this glamour shot below. For the record, Mark DOES have a neck....
Meanwhile, future Husband #2, Fletcher, was getting little wild in Chi Town last night with Husband #1.

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