Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lit Night With Di

Diane and I attended a fundraiser for Boston's literary festival. I try not to think of them as competitors but I am, after all, ME - so I can't help but feel like my festival is up against their festival in some way. When they showed a slide show at the end of the night of all the authors they have in their October line up I couldn't help but to say, "We had him...we had him...we had her..." as overlapping authors scrolled by. Immature, I know, but luckily Diane was the only one to hear me and she is already intimately familiar with my immaturity.

So tonight was a reading by Tom Perrotta (we had him). His new book sounded great and he was very nice to chat with after the reading. Unfortunately I had the camera on the wrong setting when Diane took a picture of me and Tom together so its too dark to post.

But who needs me and Tom when there is me and Di? Here we are before the event got started but after a few glasses of wine. Who is having the most fun in this room??
(I suspect that Diane and I have the most fun in any room!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great night! We are so cute, even though we weren't wearing pink polka dot bikinis underneath our dresses!