Saturday, July 16, 2011

Soon my Grandkids will be driving me to my colonoscopy appointment ....

Happy second birthday, Malikai. Here he is playing with his first metal Slinky, which his Dad gave him. My kids had to suffer through the plastic Slinky era, but apparently we have come to our senses as a nation and gone back to the original. And the metal is coated with a friendly black paint, unlike the old days when the metal would make your hands smell like metal.
It's rare that Bret can get both his boys to smile for the camera at the same time. It should be easier now with my new favorite gift to give, the head on a stick.
Eat your cake, Mr Birthday Boy. You've earned it.

Head-on-stick-Malikai isn't happy about having a pair of underwear on his head
Neither is Head-on-a-stick-Wyatee.

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