Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunflower Song

Jennie wrote this little sunflower song.

I'm a little sunflower
on the street in Harvard Square
Along came a man in plaid
And a girl with curly hair.

They stopped to take a picture
But they didn't want to pay
For for a bunch of pretty flowers
So they went on their way.

They lunched upon a roof deck
And they bought a little tea
They walked around the city 'til
She had to take a pee.

They went home to eat dinner
It didn't take too long
They never bought the sunflower
but they wrote this silly song.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

I was hoping for Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get it On"

Our neighborhood put on an event at the park around the corner, Atwood Park. It was mainly for the kids, as you can see by the bounce house. I used to love the bounce house as a kid, but as I look back I can't figure out why. The generator they use to keep them pumped up is as loud as a jet. And even though pre-pubescent kids don't yet smell when they sweat, the bounce house smells an awful lot like a high school locker room.
Growing up, the reason I liked them so much was really because I hated the other rides at the fairs because they made me nauseous. I remember reaching that age when I was the biggest person in the bounce house and feeling self conscious. The inner struggle I had on the ride back to college was epic.
Our little park party also had entertainment. The singer was pretty good on certain covers of songs. He tried his go-to move a bit too often, the falsetto. He hit about half of them. One particularly painful note came on the Neil Young song "Old Man". It cut right though us like the string section I remember from Joey and Bret's second grade concerts.
The most entraining part of the party was when this dude would take a break. He put on his iPod to play old 80's rock in between sets. It was awkward when Billy Squier's "The Stroke" was cranking in front of the mostly grade school kids, but when Kiss' "Lick it Up" belted out a parent rushed for the sound system and shut it off. High comedy.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lit Night With Di

Diane and I attended a fundraiser for Boston's literary festival. I try not to think of them as competitors but I am, after all, ME - so I can't help but feel like my festival is up against their festival in some way. When they showed a slide show at the end of the night of all the authors they have in their October line up I couldn't help but to say, "We had him...we had him...we had her..." as overlapping authors scrolled by. Immature, I know, but luckily Diane was the only one to hear me and she is already intimately familiar with my immaturity.

So tonight was a reading by Tom Perrotta (we had him). His new book sounded great and he was very nice to chat with after the reading. Unfortunately I had the camera on the wrong setting when Diane took a picture of me and Tom together so its too dark to post.

But who needs me and Tom when there is me and Di? Here we are before the event got started but after a few glasses of wine. Who is having the most fun in this room??
(I suspect that Diane and I have the most fun in any room!)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bill's Latest Masterpiece

This is Bill's dad having breakfast. In the original photo he is wearing a necktie over his t-shirt but Bill didn't include that quirky little tidbit. Instead he took us down memory lane with Quisp and Hawaiian Punch (Fruit Juicy Red of course!)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I'm not a cheerleader but I play one on TV

This is my version of fantasy football! Although instead of the Panthers I should probably be cheering for the Cougars. Either way, sign me up to be rally girl for Friday Night Lights' adorable alcoholic/football slacker, Tim Riggins. At the beginning of the summer I got hooked on the Texas football show and I've rarely missed my daily dose. I'm lucky to have a photoshop pro husband who will indulge me.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Practice boob jobs

I received a lovely package of cigars today. The packing material was little rectangular air filled plastic thingies. The Newburyport Period Piece DVD Club decided to try them out as implants.
Some constructive feedback:
- The girls do not need artificial enhancements. Stick with natural beauty, like the chicks in your Downton Abbey DVD.
- These implants look like you're expecting an assassination attempt

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Windstorm Wyatte, Monsoon Malikai

This was pretty much our day. I finished a painting, Jen read, we hung around ..... and then ......
Wyatte and Malikai stopped by!

They only stayed a half hour, but it was a hurly-burly half hour filled with tumult and hubbub.
In other words it was a great little visit.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Circle of life

Stacey and Dave brought little Nate over for a road trip to celebrate Joey's graduation.
Diane and Stacey and Dave wanted to come for Joey, of course, but really they wanted to rub my nose in the fact that I didn't invite them to Brenda's for Joey's graduation party.
Bitter, angry people they are.
(Seriously though, I love that Di Di, Stacey, Dave and Nate went out of their way to come celebrate for Joey. They really were a great influence on our boys - no sarcasm meant. Love you guys.)

Meanwhile, Jen attempts to teach Nate some bad behavior. Despite years of working at it, our kids turned out pretty good. She's going after a new generation to corrupt.

Here's a picture of Joey as an infant.
I guess I don't remember that he had a UDub hat at that age. And his teeth all came in much earlier than Nate, who is gumming his own hand. The things you forget as the years go by.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Beating the heat with beer and bourbon

Big Friday night. Tim and I polished off my bottle of Bernheim bourbon last weekend so I bought another.
Jennie was feeling crazy, inspired by her new hair, and decided that Corona was too pedestrian for her. She picked up a six pack of Blue Moon. Not quite mad capped on her part, but it's a start.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Jennie has Poo in her hair

The President of the MFFC (see yesterday) go a new hair style.
Her new curly locks are enhanced by a product called Low-Poo. On one hand I'm thinking, "why is it every time you (you meaning Jen) goes to the hairdresser they send you (you meaning Jen) home with expensive hair product?" On the other hand I love that it has "Poo" in the name.

Jennie's Flapper-cute, though. I love the hair.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Fletcher Fan Club

Atwood Street is the home office of the Mike Fletcher Fan Club. Only women can join. Tonight we added two new members to the ranks - Trudi and Lauren. Here they are proudly displaying their Mike Fletcher Name Badge.

President Jen shows them how its done!

Please note that I am wearing the same dress as last night but last night I only threw it on over my pjs for the photo. As president of the Mike Fletcher Fan Club I feel I must make it clear that I follow a strict wardrobe rotation process, never wearing the same thing 2 days in a row.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lilliputin Bill

If I were a little person this is how Jennie would look to me.
Still gorgeous. Huge, but gorgeous.

Monday, July 18, 2011


We went to Provincetown for a day trip with Tim and Noelle today. While the girls powershopped Tim and I had a burger and a beer or four on the roof deck of Tiny's.
When we got home the girls put on a fashion show for the boys.

Thomas gives his Mom a standing ovation.

We had a great visit with the Byrnes-Kay family.
Tomorrow will suck driving to work early in the morning from the Cape, but it was worth it.

Cape Cod Baseball

We spent part of the weekend with Noelle, Tim, Thomas and Alexander at the Cape. (Didn't have access to the internet last night at our B&B so we missed a nights post).
I went to my first Cape Cod baseball game, which I've been saying for years that I wanted to check off my list. The highlight of the game was when the woman home plate umpire (a rarity, unfortunately) got hit in the nose with either a ball or the catcher's mask. We felt bad for her for a while. But when she held up the game for 45 minutes we had enough. She just made it harder for other women umpires to be accepted. Whenever an ump gets injured enough to leave the game, they do just that. Leave the game. She sat on the ground while 4 other women attended to her. Tim and I were muttering to each other about how they should roll her off the field and get on with the game.
Alexander and I were responsible for the home town Brewster Whitecap's team comeback. They were down 6-2 when we started twirling our rally chicken necklaces. When the Chatham team came up we pointed our magic chickens at them to hex them. It worked and Brewster caught up. Alas, we over-hexed and the charm wore off long enough for Chatham to hang on and win.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Soon my Grandkids will be driving me to my colonoscopy appointment ....

Happy second birthday, Malikai. Here he is playing with his first metal Slinky, which his Dad gave him. My kids had to suffer through the plastic Slinky era, but apparently we have come to our senses as a nation and gone back to the original. And the metal is coated with a friendly black paint, unlike the old days when the metal would make your hands smell like metal.
It's rare that Bret can get both his boys to smile for the camera at the same time. It should be easier now with my new favorite gift to give, the head on a stick.
Eat your cake, Mr Birthday Boy. You've earned it.

Head-on-stick-Malikai isn't happy about having a pair of underwear on his head
Neither is Head-on-a-stick-Wyatee.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Just missed it....

I would make a terrible newspaper photographer. This is a picture of me seconds after Jen mooned me. A real pro would have captured the money shot.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

"I just swallowed a bug...and it wasn't even cooked!"

After a stressful day at the office I got to unwind with the Eppich family. Thomas (left) was particularly entertaining with his Cirque du Soleil swinging and a game he created where I would sneak up behind him and throw a net over his head. He would then roll down the hill flailing in a faux struggle until he deemed it time to un-net himself and ask me to do it again.

Here is a rare moment when the boys were not in motion. Next visit will be a game of bocce - I'm sure Thomas will find a way to incorporate a net.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

None of us are looking our best....

Mark Reinhardt is in town. Many blog followers will remember Mark as my work friend whose wife was the one they all wanted to join bookclub. His son Tyler was stung by a bee at a football picnic.

Mark and I have a long Rational relationship. Our travels to Canada have become folklore in the Toronto area spawning such catch phrases as "American or Canadian?", " tastes like Sol", "I'll have the quiche" and "Has anyone seen Sarah?" Seriously, Torontoians burst into hysterics every time someone asks "Do you need a table?"...yup we started that!!

Unfortunately I remembered that I needed a blog shot in the parking lot and the end result was a little more slipshod than I generally like, resulting in this glamour shot below. For the record, Mark DOES have a neck....
Meanwhile, future Husband #2, Fletcher, was getting little wild in Chi Town last night with Husband #1.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This is the most exciting day in Fletcher's life...

Dinner out with the girls in rockin' Belmont (and actually, it was surprisingly busy at 8:30 on a Tuesday night!)
We had a series of small plates. We referred to this (below) as our "Balls Course" - various types of balls of meat. We really had no idea what we ordered since we said we would have one of everything on the small plate menu.
And now we have Bill's contribution to the blog from his business trip to Chicago. Clearly Bill got a job with Nasa when I wasn't looking. Or he is dressed for community service cleaning up trash on the side of the highway? Are they test marketing a new type of fanny pack for the neck? Was he faking a car accident a la Brady Bunch donning the trickster neck brace? (Watch out for Mike's briefcase!!)

Of course the real question is - is THIS the famous Fletcher?

Monday, July 11, 2011

All dressed up for #600!

I wore my new dress today with the expectation of seeing Stacey and Diane but unfortunately Stacey wasn't feeling well so I was all dressed up with nowhere to go. Then I realized that this is our 600th post! Woo hoo! I hope everyone reading this is dressed for a celebration.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Mad Men Sunday

A wonderful lazy Sunday - I decided to wear my 50's ish Betty Draper hot housewife dress. Bill has a bit of Don Draper in his daily style (if Don Draper wore plaid and read on a Kindle.)
Sadly, our buffalo chicken wraps were sub-par. Clearly the Saturday cook is better than the Sunday.

As usual we ran into people we knew downtown.
This is Christin's idea of taking Ichi for a walk.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

uh oh, Mother E knows what a GILF is

Jennie's bringing sexy back.

We went to York Village, Maine for lunch today. We had a great meal overlooking the bay. We snuck onto the Dockside Inn property where we read and smoked a cigar ("we" being me regarding the cigar). We got nicely bumped off the grounds by the bride who was taking pictures at the gazebo, but by then we had had a day.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The sorting hat placed her in .....

Lauren has never seen any of the Harry Potter movies. Worse than that, she's never read any of the books.
Who is this alien-girl?
But she took her first steps toward normalcy tonight by watching 45 minutes of the first movie and wearing nerdy Harry Potter-like glasses. There is some hope for her still.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Gave her a bad idea

We're preparing for when Joey goes off to college by pretending he's here with us.
We need a Bret head now for when he goes off to basic training.
The day Jennie brings home my head on a stick is day I need to sleep with one eye open.