Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Talking Houses

This is Yankee Homecoming's version of Pokemon Go.  80 houses around the Port wrote up some facts or history of their house to show around town.  You print out the map and start hunting them down.
Jen has started taking pictures of some.
(I'm using the Jessica method of commenting after the picture.  Trying it out for size.)
Current homeowners have lived here since the 1940's?!  That's either amazing or very sad.  What if it's an old married couple and on the 75th anniversary in this house they decide they are sick of it and go live in a yurt in Acadia.  
That would make me happy.
How did you become a ropemaker?  And when did the family ropemaking business begin to fail?  That would have been a difficult conversation.
'Father, I have something I'd like to discuss.'
'What is it boy? And why are you wearing that shirt with the puffy sleeves?'
'Father, I am going to become a Flamenco dancer.  I leave for Andalusia tomorrow.'
'But SheepShank, who will run the family rope business?  You know you are next in line after after your brothers MooringHitch and DoubleFisherman.'
'I wish you didn't name us all after knots.'

And why is this font so small?  Who thought using Helvetica 12 pt was appropriate for a sign you should be able to read from the car?
There is an 'Old Johnson' joke in here, but I'll leave it alone.
And the cousin story is wrought with potential scandal.  Might have been better to use some discretion on that point and not share it with your neighbors.

The golden cock was stolen!
Again, embarrassing story they might have wanted to keep to themselves.
And again, who can read this?
Luckily the golden cock is up again.
Friendly ghost story?  I want to hear more.

Jen and I were too late to join in the house talking fun.
We don't know the history so we were going to make something up.
We thought about incorporating a brothel, but the stolen cock would have one upped us.


Team Strunkin said...

Glad to see my suggestion finally being implemented.
Also, did Jen give you a tutorial on Pokemon Go after I gave her a tutorial??

Blogger said...

Not playing Pokemon Go? Download The Latest Version (Built for iOS or Android)