Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Olive You, Mummy!

While we were on the lefthand side of Massachusetts we scooted over to Albany to check in with the mother of the bride.  Our afternoon activity was grocery shopping - loading up on staples like celery, carrots and olives.  We were amazed at the sheer volume of olives she purchased.  This is just the first in a series of visits to various olive bars that we made that day.
In the evening we had dinner with Heather and Andy.  I was hoping to see AJ and family as well on this visit but he has been slaving away at his new job managing a doggy daycare/grooming/boarding emporium.  Apparently he is the only one who can take care of business and is frequently called in for last minute emergencies.  Heather also has a new job - she was just given her own Cumberland Farms store to manage!  Add to that the fact that Andy starts high school this fall and there is a lot of change happening in the greater Albany area!
Nothings says family like a picture of you puking on your great grandmother.
Dinner was better than it looks in this shot.  I'm not sure why Heather is displaying a plate of carnage.
We ended our visit with Bill taking on the role of Mummy's personal cobbler.  The sole of her shoes was coming loose and I was worried she was going to trip on them but Bill and some super glue saved the day.

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